Budapest, 26 août 2001 (en anglais)
Nature du document: Actes des débats

The future of the livestock sector in the light of the recent crises in Europe

Coordination : Jean-Claude Flamant,
Mission d’Animation des Agrobiosciences, Toulouse (France)
Animation : Cledwyn Thomas

  • Malla Hovi, University of Reading. epizootiologist that
  • Maurice Bichard. animal breeder. technical director for a commercial breeding company.
  • Patrick Coelenbier, sales manager of a French-German rendering group (Saria-Bioindustrie) and a member of the European Association that represents renderers.
  • Peter Horn, animal geneticist, professor and co chairman of the Hungarian Animal Breeders Association.
  • Martin Tielen, Prof. of Animal Husbandry at the Veterinary Faculty and his now President of The Netherlands Feed Industry Association and Vice President of the European Association (FEFAC).
  • François d’Hauteville, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique of Montpellier
Actes de la Table-Ronde 2001 de la Fédération Européenne de Zootechnie (FEZ)

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